PinnedRunning SparkPi SparkApplication in k8s homelab with Harbor RegistryRunning Spark applications requires infrastructure support, and most articles and books recommend using cloud providers to simplify the…Dec 2, 2024Dec 2, 2024
PinnedInstalling Harbor in my bare metal K8S homelabIn an “enterprise” context, it is common to block users from pulling images from public container registries. Harbor is a private registry…Feb 7, 2021Feb 7, 2021
Serving LLM locally using LM StudioThanks to ChatGPT. We don’t need to go through Google search results and “determine” which link gives the right answer. ChatGPT is a…Feb 25Feb 25
Jupyter Notebook with Delta-spark in MultipassFollowing my latest article, I want to use Jupyter Notebook to record my learning of Delta. The setup is pretty straightforward. First…Nov 30, 2024Nov 30, 2024
Setting up delta-spark on Mac using MultipassI spend a bit of time searching how to setup a local delta environment on mac and only find some container solutions (starting with spark…Nov 30, 2024Nov 30, 2024
Gitea and Flux in my Private K8S Home LabGitea is a Github-like opensource project. It is perfect for me in my homelab (private cloud) when I don’t want to push my code to github…May 30, 2024May 30, 2024
Apache Pulsar KOP with Istio SNI routingIn this tutorial, I demo how to setup Apache Pulsar KOP in K8S with Istio SNI routing using sn-platform helm chart. The followings are…May 29, 2023May 29, 2023
Harbor Registry with Keycloak OIDCIn this tutorial, I demo how to install and setup key cloak, then use Harbor Registry with OIDC authentication.May 27, 2023May 27, 2023
StreamNative Pulsar Operator Tutorial Part 3In this part, I demo how to use ArgoCD to control Pulsar Custom Resource (CR) by monitoring the GitHub branch/tag.May 23, 2022May 23, 2022
StreamNative Pulsar Operator Tutorial Part 2In this part, I show a step-by-step how to create a python producer container using vs-code. I use venv to control the python version in a…May 16, 2022May 16, 2022